We Move with Intention & Attention
Pay attention and set intentions to move at the speed of trust. Create space for one another to assess pace and flow. Know there is a difference between urgency and opportunity. You are allowed to slow things down.
We Pause & Ask Questions
Everyone has a unique flow and way of processing information. Create space to pause, clarify, and name what is needed. Be mindful that not all questions need to stop at direct answers and that some questions are simply tributaries to larger streams of possibility.
We Make Room for Joy & Play
Joy is a critical ingredient to our creativity and imagination. Make space to celebrate and take opportunities to appropriately bring levity and lightness to the work. Share your pleasures and playful whims with your team. Let your hair down!
We Lean into Our Boldness & Try New Things
Try taking on a beginner’s mind when testing new things and enter each experiment with humility knowing that you often will be wrong. Be courageous in trying something you’ve never tried before. A wise person learns from others.
We Practice Loving Accountability
Be open to being corrected and owning any mistakes in this space. Honor the courage it takes for a person to name when they’ve been wronged and the skill it takes for someone to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Take steps towards addressing the impact of the mistake and offering care to one another.
We Invest in Our Rest & Healing
Operate from a place of respecting, and honoring your body and soul. Invest in the activities and support inputs that build you up, nourish you, sustain you, and heal you. We prioritize YOU over what you might produce.
What are the Glean Network Operating Values?
These are an internal set of values that serve as a compass for how our internal team members and collaborators are invited to be in relationship with one another and co-create together.
The Glean Network Internal Operating Values are designed to be practiced and shared as a foundation to build on for our live cohorts, our working groups, committees, and formations. Expressions of the Internal Operating Values may be nuanced and different for each group.
How these values were made
These Internal Operating Values were created by the Glean Network Core Team in 2022 as part of a North Star/Theory of Change process, with inspiration and input from many of our partners and alumni within the Glean Network.
We wish to acknowledge and offer our respect and gratitude to the following individuals and groups who inspired and influenced this work: