Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp

Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp serves as the spiritual leader of Temple Sholom in Cincinnati, Ohio. Temple Sholom sets itself apart through dynamic, mission driven, groundbreaking initiatives. Most notable, is their pioneering approach to “sacred marketing,” which has released over 40 videos to a 400,000 person viewership that delivers Jewish content in innovative manners. Rabbi Terlinchamp serves as the current President of The Amos Project, the largest faith-based organizing body in Ohio. She is active in Ohio Organizing Collaborative, Economics of Compassion, and serves on several boards and committees within the Cincinnati Jewish community. Rabbi Terlinchamp received her masters degree in Hebrew Letters in 2008, and was ordained as a rabbi in 2010 at HUC-JIR, Los Angeles. Rabbi Terlinchamp and her husband have two young daughters.