Rabbi Michelle Missaghieh

Rabbi Michelle Missaghieh has served as Temple Israel's Associate Rabbi since her ordination from HUC-JIR in 1996. Rabbi Missaghieh also holds a BA in Art History and Women’s Studies from University of Michigan (1989) and a Master's Degree in Jewish Education from HUC-JIR, LA (1994). She enjoys teaching people of all ages and empowering them to participate in Jewish living. She takes special interest in working with individuals for conversion, creating environments where TIOH members gather for intergenerational neighborhood Shabbat dinners, and others where members connect to discuss issues of ageing, parenting or preparing for end of life issues. She has introduced many innovative programs to TIOH like Sukkot in the City, Neighborhood Shabbat, Tashlich on the beach, the standing-room-only participatory High Holiday minyan services, and she has trained over 30 men and women to be on TIOH’s Chevrah Kadisha (a group who prepares deceased bodies for burial). In the greater community, Rabbi Missaghieh serves on the board of LA Family Housing, the Executive Board of the Sandra Caplan Community Bet Din (the only pluralistic Bet Din in the United States) and the Southern California Muslim Jewish Forum. She is also on the Rabbinic Advisory Board of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem and a member of the ARZA Rabbinic Counsel. She and her husband, Bruce Ellman, a psychologist in private practice, are the parents of three children Jael, Sivan and Ezri.