Yoshi Silverstein

Yoshi Silverstein facilitates connection to body, nature, and spirit through movement, design, play, exploration, & Jewish tradition. He is founder of Mitsui Collective and Director of the JOFEE Fellowship at Hazon. Also a 2nd degree blackbelt, CrossFit coach, and movement teacher, he holds over sixteen years of experience in both Jewish and secular outdoor, food, farming, and environmental education. Yoshi is an alumnus of the Selah Leadership Program, the Dorot Fellowship, and the PresenTense NYC Accelerator for Social Entrepreneurship. He is a member of the Selah Advisory Board and founding member of the UpStart Alumni Advisory Council and the Repair the World NYC Advisory Board.
A Pacific Northwest native, Yoshi has resided in roughly thirteen different places since his eighteenth birthday – including the Olympic Mountains, central and northern Idaho Rockies, Berkshire Mountains, and the Arava Valley – and now lives in the Bushwick Plains of Northern Brooklyn with his wife, daughter, and pup. He makes a mean Chinese Roast Duck.