Cyd Weissman

Cyd Weissman, the Assistant Vice President of Innovation and Impact, at Reconstructing Judaism, is responsible for launching and nurturing projects that open new doors to Jewish engagement.
Her work includes: RITUALWELL (, a platform to cultivate and share innovative Jewish ritual; EVOLVE, an online forum for groundbreaking Jewish conversations; and RECONSTRUCTIONIST LEARNING NETWORKS (, to connect people across perspectives and geography in service of building a more just and joyous world.
The most recent project launched is RESET, (, which is exploring how to care for social justice activists during these challenging times with short online spiritual practice.
As a faculty member of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Cyd teaches social entrepreneurship. She also oversees grants for students and recent graduates launching new and meaningful ways of engagement. On the Edge, she blogs stories of social entrepreneurs. The guiding question for the blog: What should the rest of us know? (
Cyd and her husband Jay live outside of Philadelphia and are the parents of four sons and take great pleasure in their growing family (son and daughter-in-laws and grandchildren.)