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Matthew Ponak

Matthew Ponak

Matthew Ponak is a rabbinical student who helps spiritual seekers of all backgrounds follow the call of their soul. As a teacher, Matt uses tools from religion and psychology to help people find and embody their inner truth. Matt has studied with some of this generation’s leading teachers of Jewish mysticism including Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Art Green, Zvi Ish-Shalom, Tirzah Firestone, and Rami Shapiro. Matt also holds an MA in Contemplative Religions from the Buddhist-inspired Naropa University, which allows him to draw from a variety of wisdom traditions in his teaching. As a musician and song-leader, Matt specializes in leading nigunim: wordless melodies from the Jewish mystical tradition that awaken groups to shared sacred experiences. A practitioner of Qi Gong, Kedumah, and Focusing, Matt uses movement and body-centered contemplation to guide people through inner constrictions and into emerging stages of their journey. Matt is currently available for one-on-one spiritual mentorship and to speak, play music, and teach at community centers, places of worship, and anywhere people gather for the sake of growing wise."

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