Aïdah Aliyah Rasheed

Aïdah Aliyah Rasheed is a creative, lifelong student, and most importantly she is a believer. She recognizes the power of art, culture, and storytelling as means of cultivating communal awareness and connectivity. She carries more than a decade of service work within world renowned arts, cultural, & educational institutions, has lead civic engagement & faith-based service projects, and most recently she is working to create innovative solutions to the economic injustice facing her community. Her love for creativity and knowledge lead to a Master of Fine Arts from the California College of the Arts, along with national and international fellowships. Recently she discovered the positive impact of design thinking in the classroom. While empowering her students to actively think about how to solve complex problems and create new possibilities in the world with wisdom, fervor, and sincerity, she simultaneously became inspired to do the same. Rasheed is currently between Pacific, Eastern, and Arabian Standard Times. When she is not time traveling she strives to be fully present with her family, specifically basking in the light and warmth of her husband and daughter.