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Naz Ahmed Georgas

Naz Ahmed Georgas

Naz Ahmed Georgas is the Executive Director and a founding member of Cordoba House New York, a not-for-Profit dedicated to building bridges with the wider New York and interfaith community through cultivating and promoting a distinctly compassionate, spiritual and pluralistic American Muslim Identity through educational programs and spiritual services. Her deep personal commitment to education and passion in Islamic spirituality and world religions inspired her to design and administer its two flagship programs, The Cordoba House Sunday School (for children and youth) and The Muslim and Leadership Training Program for aspiring American Imam’s and emerging community leaders. Since 1997, Naz has been actively engaged in connecting the Muslim and Interfaith communities in various joint programs and initiatives to promote deeper understanding among interfaith individuals and communities. She has also helped in the establishment of weekly adult spiritual mediation and social programs. As a graduate of the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University, Naz has worked at various UN agencies, not for profits and Faith Based organizations including the UNOPS, UNDP, World Council of Churches, National Council for Women and Women’s World Banking.

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